About the author.

Jeffrey PEIRCE has spent the past 12 years identifying, researching, documenting and publishing the war service histories of more than 3000 men and women from the South West towns of Western Australia in the Great War 1914-1918.
Whilst publishing details on a number of very successful websites he uncovered a diversity of astounding individual stories to be honoured by a new series of books.
His first book features inspirational and emotional stories of fourteen service men and their actions at Gallipoli.
A number of stories focus on those men who survived the horrors of war to make significant contributions to their communities on return home.
Jeffrey is committed to publish further amazing stories that in future books will include actions on the Western Front in France and Belgium, Light Horsemen in Egypt and the Middle East as well as volumes dedicated to the Nurses and First Nation soldiers who enlisted from the South West.
Jeffrey was very proud to have been selected as a finalist in the 2014 Australian of the Year Awards Local Hero Category. This award nomination was in recognition of his innovative development of the www.bunburywarheroes.com.au website.
Jeffrey’s four earliest websites, three on local military history and one featuring the Bunbury Cemetery Heritage Walk were sought by the State Library of Western Australia for inclusion on their Pandora Archives and confirmed as significant contributions to Western Australian Heritage.
Jeffrey A Peirce

Jeffrey’s books